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Moving up a gear in accident prevention

Moving up a gear in accident prevention

Intelligent Proximity Detection Systems or SIDP are advanced technologies that are revolutionizing industrial safety. They are designed to detect dangerous situations and prevent collisions by issuing precise alerts. At Solutions Prox-Secur, we offer the SIDP Proximity solution from Laserglow. Learn more about this technology.

What is a IPDS?

An intelligent proximity detection system is used to detect the approach of a person or a vehicle to an area where it is installed. It can be mounted on a vehicle or site and uses sensors and other advanced technologies.

In the industrial field, IPDSs play an essential role in ensuring the safety of workers, the protection of equipment and the efficiency of operations. They are used to detect the presence of people near dangerous equipment, such as moving machinery, industrial robots, conveyors. When a worker approaches too close to the high-risk area, the IPDS triggers an alert to prevent any accident.

They are also used to prevent collisions between industrial vehicles such as forklifts, automated trucks, transport vehicles… When two vehicles approach each other at a dangerous distance, it emits audible or visual warnings to alert drivers and avoid accidents.

Laserglow’s Proximity System

Proximity is a IPDS that was designed to detect nearby objects and people. This will help prevent potential collisions. It is an easy-to-use, plug-and-play system and does not require any pre-adjustment. This means you can install it quickly and start using it right away.

One of the characteristics of Proximity is its flexibility. You can configure it according to your specific needs by modifying the alert fields. For example, you can adjust the distance from which the system will issue a warning based on your surroundings and preferences.

Proximity incorporates advanced technologies to accurately measure distances between vehicles and pedestrians. This helps detect objects and people in blind spots or outside the driver’s direct view.

In the event of potential danger, Proximity emits warning signals to alert the driver. These warnings can be audible, vibratory or visual, depending on the configuration chosen and the preferences of the user. This system can be mounted on different types of vehicles in your fleet.


At Solutions Prox-Secur, we attach particular importance to your safety and that of your vehicles in your industrial areas or loading docks. This is why we offer more efficient solutions at the best price. Take advantage of efficient intelligent proximity detection systems. These technologies enable a significant reduction in injuries, fatalities and property damage on industrial sites. We hope that you will find the right solution for your needs with us. With that, we wish you happy holidays. As much as you are careful on your premises, be just as careful on the road!

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